nticancer Res. 1995 Nov-Dec;15(6B):2643-9.

The use of a whey protein concentrate in the treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoma: a phase I-II clinical study.

Kennedy RSKonok GPBounous GBaruchel SLee TD.


Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.


Glutathione (GSH) concentration is high in most tumour cells and this may be an important factor in resistance to chemotherapy. Previous in-vitro and animal experiments have shown a differential response of tumour versus normal cells to various cysteine delivery systems. More specifically, an in-vitro assay showed that at concentrations that induce GSH synthesis in normal human cells, a specially prepared whey protein concentrate, Immunocal, caused GSH depletion and inhibition of proliferation in human breast cancer cells.

Nutr Cancer. 2006;55(2):171-7.

Tumor-protective and tumor-promoting actions of dietary whey proteins in an N-methyl-N-nitrosourea model of rat mammary carcinogenesis.

Eason RRTill SRFrank JABadger TMKorourian SSimmen FASimmen RC.


Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, AR 72202, USA.


The mammary tumor-protective effects of dietary factors are considered to be mediated by multiple signaling pathways, consistent with the heterogeneous nature of the disease and the distinct genetic profiles of tumors arising from diverse mammary cell populations. In a 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced model of carcinogenesis, we showed previously that female Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to AIN-93G diet containing whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) beginning at gestation Day 4 had reduced tumor incidence than those exposed to diet containing casein (CAS), due partly to increased mammary differentiation and reduced activity of phase I metabolic enzymes



The producers make much of this 'advanced technology' diverting attention away from the real properties of whey. Whey is composed of bovine blood proteins, serum albumen, lactalbumen, dead white blood cells and hormonal residues including estrogen, progesterone and IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1).

Moving backward, whey protein is derived from whey, the by-product of cheese making. Cheese is produced from milk.

The cheese industry is the largest consumer of 'factory farmed' milk. The majority of the milk used in the making of cheese is produced from milk from cows injected with bovine growth hormone (rBGH), along with a vast array of antibiotics and other drugs.

Many of these cows are cancerous, and the milk from these cancerous cows still finds its way into the general production.

Most of these cows are fed genetically modified soy and corn, as 80% of the production of GMO grains is for animal feed. Health food stores make a big issue of insisting on non-GMO foods for sale to the public, but what about second-hand GMO foods such as beef, pork, milk, cheese, products containing casein (another milk protein) and whey protein? Because whey protein is such a big money earner for health food stores, this distinction is ignored. The dilemma is similar to the question of drug stores selling tobacco products in spite of the overwhelming evidence that smoking is harmful. Many drug stores, especially the smaller independent stores, voluntarily stopped selling tobacco because in spite of the loss of income, they could not in good conscience, justify the practice in a store that was supposed to be concerned with people's health. Milk and milk by-products are also linked to cancer and a host of other diseases, and the dilemma is a similar one faced by drug stores regarding tobacco.

The following article which is posted on www.notmilk.com , summarizes many of the concerns with milk proteins along with references from scientific journals.

align="justify" class="product_paragraph" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; color: rgb(98, 99, 99); font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 21px;">Say No Way ! to Whey!

After fat and casein are removed from milk, dairy processors are left with whey protein. Whey is composed of bovine blood proteins, serum albumen, lactalbumen, dead white blood cells and hormonal residues including estrogen, progesterone and IGF-1 (insulin growth factor 1). 

The body's reaction to a foreign protein is to destroy that antigen-like invader with an antibody. For those individuals unfortunate enough to possess a genetic pre-disposition to such an event, the antibody then turns upon one's own cells. That is what is known as an auto-immune response.

In the case of diabetes and multiple sclerosis (MS), the body's response to whey proteins is to attack the outer membrane protecting nerve cells, or the myelin sheath.

It has long been established that early exposure to bovine proteins is a trigger for insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Researchers have made that same milk consumption connection to MS. The July 30, 1992 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine first reported the diabetes autoimmune response milk connection:

"Patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus produce antibodies to cow milk proteins that participate in the development of islet dysfunction...Taken as a whole, our findings suggest that an active response in patients with IDDM (to the bovine protein) is a feature of the auto-immune response."

On December 14, 1996, The Lancet revealed:

"Cow's milk proteins are unique in one respect: in industrialized countries they are the first foreign proteins entering the infant gut, since most formulations for babies are cow milk-based. The first pilot stage of our IDD prevention study found that oral exposure to dairy milk proteins in infancy resulted in both cellular and immune response...this suggests the possible importance of the gut immune system to the pathogenesis of IDD."

The Multiple Sclerosis Milk Connection

The April 1, 2001 issue of the Journal of Immunology contained a study linking MS to milk consumption.

Michael Dosch, M.D., and his team of researchers determined that multiple sclerosis and type I (juvenile) diabetes mellitus are far more closely linked than previously thought. Dosch attributes exposure to cow milk protein as a risk factor in the development of both diseases for people who are genetically susceptible. According to Dosch:

"We found that immunologically, type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis are almost the same - in a test tube you can barely tell the two diseases apart. We found that the autoimmunity was not specific to the organ system affected by the disease. Previously it was thought that in MS autoimmunity would develop in the central nervous system, and in diabetes it would only be found in the pancreas. We found that both tissues are targeted in each disease."

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis affects approximately 300,000 Americans. Two-thirds of those diagnosed with MS are women. Most researchers believe that MS is an autoimmune disease. Auto means "self."

Who Does Not Get MS?

It is interesting to note that Eskimos and Bantus (50 million individuals living in East Africa ) rarely get MS. Neither do those native North and South American Indian or Asian populations who consume no cow's milk or dairy products.

Who Gets MS ?

The British medical journal Lancet reported that dairy-rich diets filled have been closely linked to the development of MS. (The Lancet 1974;2:1061)

A study published in the journal Neuro-epidemiology revealed an association between eating dairy foods and an increased prevalence of MS. (Neuro-epidemiology 1992;11:304Â12.)

MS researcher, Luther Lindner, M.D., a pathologist at Texas A & M University College of Medicine, wrote:

"It might be prudent to limit the intake of milk and milk products."