About Me:
20 Years in Fitness, Pre-Medical Training, Attended Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.
"Time-released" Energy... " "Building Block of Muscle..."
An Unbiased Science-Based site dedicated to the Protein we eat. From making your own Raw Food Bars and Protein Bars loaded with Superfoods and Antioxidants, to selecting the right source of Protein to give you the Best Protein amino acid profile while avoiding harmful substances.... ~Gunsen
Why eat Protein? Antibodies, Hormones, Enzymes, Muscle and Body Structure... Yes, protein.... And unlike carbohydrates and fats, they are not readily stored. Fats stored as triglycerides, and carbohydrates as glucose but not protein. It must be eaten daily.... How else will your body build and repair? It would be like a carpenter without wood... A good maximum daily protein would be about 1g per pound of bodyweight-- even in active individuals. It is important to understand that the Aged and Growing Children need to be the most conscious of this but are the least armed to carry this out (J Am Coll Nutr.) The physically active who often understand these needs also need to convey to them--for them. Sarcopenia is the term used to describe aging individuals as they lose muscle-- creating weakness and loss of independence. Branched Chain Amino Acids, Leucine specifically, has been noted to assist in Muscle Protein Synthesis through some insulin and non-insulin pathways (Nutrients 2012.) Have a look around... It just may help you...
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